Academy of Democratic Modernity
Read moreAs the Academy of Democratic Modernity, we strive to spread the ideas and rich experience of the Kurdistan Freedom Movement and its paradigm of Democratic Modernity. Our publication activities are intended to start discussions with activists, academics and various anti-systemic and social movements in order to move forward in our search for a radical alternative to capitalist modernity and to realise a free life. Through our educational work, we want to create a new understanding of democratic politics, social enlightenment and a new political-moral consciousness. Some dimensions of social issues we address are sociology of freedom, weaving together lines of resistance, democratic autonomy, women’s liberation, youth autonomy, social ecology, communal economy and art & culture. Through the development of platforms and networks, we want to contribute to the strengthening of the international exchange of experiences and interweave existing struggles, in line with the proposal of World Democratic Confederalism.
ÖH Uni Wien
Supporting organisations
Endavant OSAN
Interventionistische Linke
Potere al Popolo
Jineolojî Europe
Network Women Weaving the Future
Ronahi - Youth Center for Public Relations
Enquête Critique
Les Soulèvements de la Terre
Transnational Institute of Social Ecology (TRISE)
Apoyo Mutuo Aragón
DRUCK! - People Powered Media
Actrices & Acteurs des temps présent
La Saó
Network for an Alternative Quest
International League of Peoples Struggle
Pour une Écologie Populaire & Sociale
Solidaires Union Syindicale
Non Una Di Meno
Ararat Berlin
Lista demokratičnega študentstva
Fondation Danielle Mitterrand
- Tenants' Initiative (Czech Republic)
- Confederación General del Trabajo (Spain)
- Union of Cypriots (Cyprus)
- Gemeinsam Kämpfen (Deutschland)
- Partito della Rifondazione Comunista (Italy)
- Community of Squatted Prosfygika (Greece)
- Free Social Space Scoleio (Greece)
- Klub slovenskih študentk*študentov na Dunaju (Austria)
- Parti Suisse du Travail (PST) (Switzerland)
- SOS Balkanroute (Austria)
- Solidarity with Migrants (Greece)
- Connessioni Precarie (Italy)
- Initiative Demokratischer Konföderalismus (Germany)
- Radio Onda d’Urto (Italy)
- Slí Eile - Action for a Planet Beyond Capitalism (Ireland)
- Colectivo Maloka (Catalan Countries)
- Alfa Kappa (Greece)
- Platform of the Confederalist Union (Greece)
- Non Una Di Meno - Torino (Italy)
- Stäng ner Elbit (Shut Elbit Down) (Sweden)
- System Change, not Climate Change (Austria)
- Centre Europe - Tiers Monde (CETIM) (France)
- Disrupt Now (Germany)
- Sveriges Arbetares Centralorganisation (SAC) (Sweden)
- Stop Deportation Vienna (Austria)
- WIR* gegen rechts (Austria)
- AURORA Colectivo de jóvenes revolucionarios (Catalan Countries)
- Young Struggle (international)
- Frauen für Frieden (Austria)
- Plan C (UK)
- Spazio Antagonista Newroz - Pisa - (Italy)
- Ararat Collective Berlin (Germany)
- Romnja Feminist Library (Romania)
- Rouvikonas (Greece)
- Collective Care Berlin (Germany)
- Rede de Apoio Mútuo (Portugal)
- NYM project (international)
- Borderless Collective (Greece - Germany)
- Claim the Space (Austria)
- Friedens ATTAC (Austria)
- Dunja Social Center (North Macedonia)
- Linksjugend [‘solid] (Germany)
- Fantasma - Revolutionäre Linke Kassel (Germany)
- petites singularités (Belgique)
- Junge Arbeitsgemeinschaft Bäuerl. Landwirtschaft (junge AbL) (Germany)
- La Màquia - Azadî Jin (Catalan Countries)
- Coscienza Verde (Italy)
- Solidarity Kitchen Wien (Austria)
- Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (Austria)
- Non Una Di Meno Roma (Italy)
- Legêrîn Azadî (Catalan Countries)
- Afghan Diaspora Network (Austria)
- Lower Class Magazine (Germany)
- Berlin Migrant Strikers (Germany)
- Nodo Solidale (Italy)
- Las Kellys (Catalan Countries)
- (Spain)
- Sudd Cobas (Italy)
- Askapena (Bask Country)
- Initciativa anarkiste (Albania)
- Turning Point Magazine Global Project (Italy)
- Autistici (Italy)
- Jugend gegen Rechtsruck (Germany)
- Contre Attaque (France)
- Athens Feminist Initiative (Greece)
- RiseUp Wien (Austria)
- Pirate party (Switzerland - France)
- People and Water (Slovakia)
- Kurdistan Solidarity Network - Helsinki (Finland)
- De Vonk (Netherlands)
- ZAUM (Italy)
- Netzwerk gegen Feminizide Göttingen (Germany)
- Ultima Generazione (Italy)
- En Commun - Zwangsräumungen verhindern Wien (Austria)
- Socialistično študentsko društvo Iskra (Slovenia)
- Partija Radikalne Levice - PRL (Serbia)
- attac Austria (Austria)
- Revolutionäre Jugend Wien (Austria)
- ROOD, socialistische jongeren (Netherlands)
- MNL (France)
- Stadtteilgewerkschaft Lichtenrade Solidarisch (Germany)
- Framåt kamrater (Sweden)
- International Women’s Alliance (IWA)
- Agape Centro Ecumenico (Italy)
- People's Summit (Austria)
- Block Gas Alliance (Austria)
- IAC (Catalan Countries)
- Ítaca (Catalan Countries)
- Collectif BTP Autonome (France)
- Infolibre (Greece)
- Revolutionärer Aufbau Schweiz (Switzerland)
- Hor 29 November (Austria)
- Ware Tegenmacht (Netherlands)
- Baloch National Movement (Germany)
- Human Rights Council of Balochistan (HRCB) (international)
- Radnička Omladina (Serbia)
- Climaximo (Portugal)
- Sozialistische Jugend Deutschlands – Die Falken (Germany)
- Lotta Basel (Switzerland)
- Debt for Climate (Austria)
- Arran (Catalan Countries)
- Tsedek (France)
- Friday for Future (Sweden)
- Internationalistische Jugendkommunen (Germany)